Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bailey's first cereal

Bailey had her first taste of cereal today. The last couple of weeks she has really been reaching for our food and forks and can also almost sit on her own so I thought she was ready to try some big girl food. Ha! Anyway, she did pretty well and even opened up her mouth for me a couple of times. Here are the events as they unfolded....

I am ready mom! Give me some food!
First bite...hmmmm....I am not sure about this???

Shovel it in mommy!


All done and happy as a lark! :)


Mommy's Journeys said...

I think she thinks it's yummy! I think feeding her with no clothes on is wise, at least for a while. She'll get better--not so messy later!

Mimi and Poppy said...

That was yummy!!