Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One Year - miss you toonce

It has been one year since I helped toonces aka Evie cat over to the rainbow bridge. As anyone knows when you lose a pet the beginning is horrific and then after time the pain gets easier. I must say for me that most of last summer was tough. Toonce went to bed with me every night. He slept near my feet every night...without fail....even in the last few days when he was to weak to get on the bed he slept near me on the floor. Since I was pregnant last summer I was going to bed many times before Trev becasue I was tired and I found my self weeping missing him intensely. Of course it didn't help that I also lost Misty who also went to bed with me every night but that is for a later post. After summer things got easier and of course the birth of Bailey almost made me forget. ALMOST. I still tell trev at least a couple of times a month how much I miss him and Misty. :) So, Toonce my dear old kitty I hope that you are running around terrorizing all the great danes at the rainbow bridge. Love you and miss you.

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