Friday, June 19, 2009

25 weeks...a word form our star....the sock monkey

Hello! It is the monkey here! The bear is 25 weeks old today. You may wonder why I am blogging. Well, you see, I am becoming concerned about these so called monkey pics week after week. At first they were taken with this little tiny baby who just sort of looked at me like what is that thing and probably had no clue who or what I was. Well, things have changed. The bear knows how to pick up things and I am becoming quite...well let's just say it isn't easy being a sock monkey. Sometimes it is nice. She is sweet and cuddley like this.....

Then other times she is trying to kiss me or eat me. I am not sure what!
But most of the time things are turning out this way.....

I will say it again. It isn't easy being a 6 month old...oh wait I mean a 25 week old...girls sock monkey!

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