Saturday, June 20, 2009

Finally to PCB

After another 8 hours in the car and one missed turn by someone who shall remain nameless we reached PCB! We had some trouble getting checked in but made it up to our condo with all of our junk! Man why did I pack so much...oh ya I have a baby! :) Anyway, we got our swimsuits on and headed to the beach! I had the bear in her sling and she even fell asleep because she was so tired because she can't seem to stay asleep in the car for more than like 30 minutes at a time! I got these pics off my sisters facebook so they are not great quality but I am just trying to keep the dialogue of our trip going. Better pics to come...even one of the bear asleep in the sling in the ocean!

Dressed and ready for the beach!

Finally on the beach after 2 days in the car!

Sweet tired bear!

Texans glad to be on the beach!

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