Thursday, June 4, 2009

Facebook, Facebook Where are you?

You will only get this post is you are a serious Facebooker like me. I went to Target tonight to get something and decided to buy a bottle of wine. This is quite odd for me becuase I probably have like 5 drinks a year and usually when I buy a bottle of wine I tell Trever to finish it off in a week or so before it loses its goodness. Anyway, I got Bailey to bed, poured myself a glass and was looking forward to getting my daily dose of Facebook. Ok, so it isn't really a once a day thing and I did log in earlier but I didn't read everything! So, I sit here at 9:50 pm wondering what to do with myself and wondering what everyone's status updates are. This is quite a sad state. Hopefully I will be able to go to bed with out my "fix"....