Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rolling Sister Bear

Sister bear is now rolling over. I think she did it yesterday once but I wasn't sure if she had a little help from her sister because Trev was "watching" them! HA! Anyway, she has been rolling around all morning. In fact when I sit her down to get Bailey's breakfast and mine made she can be totally out of her little activity mat. Silly girl. It is funny because people are always asking me how different the girls are. There are some differences about them but so far they seem to do a lot things the same. I am going back to work on Monday and Mckenzie will be 14 weeks and 3 days which is exactly how old Sugie was. Anyway, I knew Bailey rolled over right before I went back to work and so I looked it up and it is about the same. You can see her rolling over here. Now for the sister bears skills! HA!

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