Monday, May 9, 2011

On Being a Mom

Yesterday I had a great Mother's Day. Trev made us all sausage and french toast for breakfast. It was super yummy. After that we went to the park and played and then came home for nap time. I passed out for 1 1/2 hours and then was up until almost 1 am this morning! HA!

So. I have had great experiences with being a mom and...

and I have also had time where I felt like Bailey does in this picture and just wanted to throw a big old tantrum!

I spend a lot of time laughing as a mom. I think it is the best way to get through some of the times when you want to scream. Bailey and I am sure Mckenzie will soon, keeps me laughing all day. You just never know what your kids might do or say.

I love holding my babies. I don't belive in "spoiling" babies. I think that is silliness. Babies were meant to be held. Some people make a 10 step program once there babies are born on how and when they will be in their own bed and on a schedule. I don't worry too much about that stuff because they are only this little once! All too soon the girls will be teenagers and I won't be able to carry them around anymore.

I know that as a mom there are ALWAYS eyes on me watching my every move. I know that I must try to think about my actions because monkey see is monkey do.

I have given birth with drugs and without them. Giving birth without them is a lot harder than you can ever imagine however the end result of seeing your baby for the first time is exactly the same and also a feeling you can never imagine.

Especially once you hold them so close and take in their smell and quiet them down. Yep! Nothing better than that!

I have nursed both of my babies (I can't find any birth and nursing pics of bailey since I got a new computer :( ) It hasn't always been easy but I seriously can't imagine doing anything else. People always laugh when I tell them that seeing bottles in their mouths make me want to scream. :) In fact I have never seen one in either one of their mouths even though they have both had them. :)

I could really go on and on, on being a mom. However, I must stop now because I am too tired from being a mom and must go veg out in front of the TV for a bit before bed. :)

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