Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pool Time!

Our neighborhood pool has been open for 2 weeks but it has been too cool for this mama to get in. However, this weekend the weather is heating up in true TExas fashion so we decided to go to the pool.

It was sister bears first trip! I thought she looked quite cute in her polka dot swim suit. I love that our pool has good shady spots too.

SHe actually spent the first part of the trip asleep in her car seat. Like I said poor thing takes 1 or 2 of her 3 naps of the day on the go.

Sugie of course loved it too! I didn't get that many pictures of her becuase I don't think she stood still. Trev got this good one of her jumping in. THe water was still a little chilly but it didn't seem to phase her much. She was shivering for a good hour but if you asked her is she wanted to get out. NOOOOOOO!!!!

WE still have the crab float and Mckenzie kicked back in it for a little while.

She relaxed and chewed on her fingers. Thin she started to get wet and got cold and was ready to get out. So she got dry and chilled with daddy at the pool side while me and Sugie swam.

This isn't a great picture but this is the story of my life. WHile Trev went to get the camera I had Mckenzie to hold onto and Sugie flying off the side of the pool. At least she likes her arm floaties so that I at least have a little help! HA! :)

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