Thursday, May 5, 2011

3 months old!

Hey there! It's me Mckenzie aka Sister Bear! Can you believe that I turned 3 months old yesterday? My mom said she can't believe it but she says that about everything now doesn't she? He he! Anyway, I am getting big and here is what I am up to these days:

1) I wear a size 2 diaper (althought it is a little big but momma was out of size 1 diapers and apparently we are cheap) and mostly 3/6 month clothes.

2) Momma says she doesn't know whow much I weigh but guesses maybe 11-12 pounds.

3) I love being the little sister! I get to go all kinds of places! Here I am loaded up for a trip. I like my car seat for short durations but leave me in it too long and I will let you know!

4) I get to go to the zoo alot too. Most 3 months old have probably not seen everything I have seen! I think I am extra special.

5) THats my daddy. HE loves me a lot and sings to me when I am fussy. Sugie sings along with him and mom says she needs to get it on video.

6) I can roll from my stomach to my back and I am thinking about going from my back to my stomach. I can also spin around when my mom lays me down on the floor.

7) I still love my swing a lot. I love it so much that momma got me this travel swing off of craigslist so that I can use it at the sitters in a few weeks. Apparently mom is going to go back to work for a few weeks and I have to hang at someone elses house for a while. I am not sure how I feel about that.

8) I smile a lot now and even let out a few laughs here or there. I like to be held by my mommy most but do let others occasionally hold me although sometimes I get mad

9) I don't really have a set schedule because how could someone who has so many places to be like me? I do however have some normal patterns. I eat every 2 or 3 hours during the day and usually go a 7 to 8 hour stretch in the night without eating. I usually take a couple of shorter naps in the morning usually on the go and then a big long afternoon nap and then a little cap nat before my last snack, bath and then bedtime.

10) My sister, Sugie, likes to talk to and play with me a lot. Isn't she pretty? I can't wait until I am big enough to run around with her. She makes me smile and sometimes she makes me cry because she is a little to rough with my arms and legs. :( Speaking of my sister want to see her at 3 months? I think she looks a little like me but I have my own little sister bear uniqueness.

Bailey at 3 months.

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