Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rub a dub, 2 little girls in a little tub

Sugie and Mckenzie both love bath time! I really can't wait until they can take a bath in the same big tub. I know they will have so much fun playing together. We might have to give baths downstairs though because there is already a large amount of water on the floor from Sugie so I can't imagine 2 girls! HA! ANyway, we have put sisters whale tub in the big tub a few times but then you have to watch Sugie like a hawk so we don't do it all the time. The other night Trev was giving Mckenzie her bath up on the counter and Sugie wanted to sit up there so Trev put her up on the sink. NExt thing he knew she was climbing into the tub like this....

HE! HE! Pretty cute huh?

Mckenzie likes it pretty good too! SHe will smile and smile at Sugie!

It warms a mothers heart A LOT! :)

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