1) You were your newborn and 0/3 month clothes. The newborn onesies are really too small but the footie pjs are about perfect. You were a size 1 diaper.
2) You don't really have a schedule yet but you do some predictable things. During the day you eat about every 2 -3 hours. You usually eat, stay awake awhile and then take a nap for a while. You usually eat for the last time around 9 or 10 at night and then go to bed with me around 10 or 11. You then give me a 4 or 5 hour stretch until 2 or 3 and then you wake up to eat. Most of the time you easiley go back to sleep in your bassinet next to me. You then wake up again around 5 or 6 and I just nestle you in next to me for a snack and before your sister wakes us up! :) In the morning you nap in your swing or if we are on the go in your carseat or sling. In the afternon you like to take a big long nap and sleep with me and if I put you down you like to be put down on your stomach to sleep some more.
3) Speaking of the sling. You really like it and I am glad because it is the best way for me to carry you run around chasing your sister.
4) You have the chubbiest, cutest cheeks every! It is usually one of the things people say they like most about you!
5) Your daddy loves you very much. This is also one of your favorite ways to sleep is laying on someones chest. Of course I am not sure what baby doens't like that. :)
6) Of course you like your mommy pretty good too. This is one of your favorite positions to be in especially when you are fussy. You sort of like your suckey too when you are in the mood for it.
7) You are staying awake more andmore and have even enjoyed some time in your jungle gym to kick your legs.
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