Friday, February 25, 2011

My future Olympian

Anyone that knows my family should know that we are a little nuts when it comes to gymnastics! HA! My sisters and I grew up doing gymnastics and I did it from the time I could probably walk! Anyway, I have taken Sugie to a class before but I didn't really like the gym and it was a little too much structure at the time that I took her. The other gym in our area only has morning classes for her age but on Friday mornings they have open gym so I took her today. She had a blast and acted like she had been doing it all of her life. I think she has it in her blood. :) I only had my phone for pics so a lot of them are blurry but you will get the idea.

First she practiced the bars
and then the beam. There was also floor exercise but I didn't get any pics.

Now my olympian is going to have to get a little more serious because truth be told is that she had the most fun jumping on the trampoline

Doing knee drops and
and jumping.
Her other favorite was the pit.
I think she is ready for the summer and to be jumping in the pool again. Guess my olympian is going to need to get more serious about her training! HA! :)

1 comment:

Mommy's Journeys said...

too cute! She'll be cartwheeling before you know it!