Friday, February 11, 2011

1 week, guess who's back? and First Walk

Guess Who is back? THE MONKEY!!! I totally can't believe that it has already been one week since McKenzie was born. She continues to seem laid back eating, sleeping and even staying awake for several hours each day. We went and had some professional pics taken today and she stayed awake for like 2 hours, happy as a lark! She is sleeping in about 3 hour increments so we are all getting some rest.
This is Bailey at one week old. I wish I would have put McKenzie in a onesie instead of a bulky sleeper so I could better see the similarity...oh well maybe next week.

Big Sister is still doing pretty well. She goes from moments of caring less about the baby, to moments of wanting to love and help out with the baby, and then to moments where I think that she is not quite sure what is happening to her world. She still gets her suckey (pacifer) at night but they stay in her bed. She very rarely will go in there and get one however over the last couple of days she has gone in there several times in the day and got one. So, I guess that is how she is trying to cope. :) The last couple of nights have gone better with sleep as she has not got up. She is still taking a good 2 hour nap so that is nice and so far McKenzie as lined up for a good 2 hour nap as well. :)

The weather has finally warmed up and we are suppose to have a really great weekend. We went for McKenzie's first walk this afternoon. She looked around a while and then fell asleep.

All cozy and warm for her walk.

Ummm...think I am going to need a double stroller! HA!


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Mommy's Journeys said...

It's hard to believe for me too that it's been one week! Oh my! And yes, a double stroller IS a must!