Saturday, February 19, 2011

2 weeks and around the house

Wow! It one way it seem like 2 weeks was just yesterday and in another way it seems like McKenzie has been with us forever! :) She had a her 2 week checkup and everything is going good. She weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces and was still 20 inches. She had to have that horrible newborn screen were they prick there heel and draw out what seems like 6 pints of blood! Poor thing! Glad that is over with! At least with the shots you can pick them up right away! McKenzie still seems to be much like Sugie. She eats, is alert, sleeps, and then repeat. She hates having her diaper and clothes changed. She is a fast eater like Sugie.
What you looking at monkey?

Sugie is still doing well. She has been working on her tricycle riding with daddy in the garage and can just about do ride it with pushing the pedals. So, hopefully she will have that by the spring. She has her moments were she will love on and want to hold her sister and then the next minute is really rough with her and has even hit her a few times. Sometimes I think her concept of "gentle" is a little off since Duke can take quite a bit of abuse! All in all I would say she is doing a great job. She has also slept great this week which has really helped with her mood. She also went to Marjorie's house quite a bit this week and I think that help her have something familiar that was like her old routinue. :) Also, I swear everyday she says about 20 new words and keeps us laughing all the time!

My little burrito sleeping. :)

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