Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beautiful Weekend!

What a beautiful weekend! I LOVE weather like this! It was over 70 on SAturday and in the 60s today. I hauled my pregnant booty all the way up to the park twice! HA! Anyway, it was nice just to have some sunshine and warm weather and relax! Of course Sugie had fun playing! Actually she she might still be playing at this moment because she is fighting going to bed. HA! We had a child lock thing on her door up until recently because I didn't want her tumbling down the stairs at night but she recently figured those things out. She actually never really tried to get out of her room but now that she knows she can we have some battles in staying in her bed at night. I know that she will catch on soon so I am not too worried about it! All I have to say is "Sugie go get back in your bed and she does. No fighting or crying so I think she is just testing the limits. She has also been falling asleep with the door open. I think she just wants to know that she can get out if she wants or something. The upside is that on the weekends now she gets up and goes in the game room and starts playing and doesn't bother to wake us up! Yipee! I figure I got a few days to enjoy that until McKenzie gets here! :)

So, today starts the 39th week of pregnancy. I honestly have no idea when she will be here. I really always thought that she would not be here until after my due date but then recently thought it might be sooner. However, today I think it might be later. Who knows. As you know I am will not allow myself to be induced nor would my midwife induce me unless it was medically necessary so please refer to this post about how ovens vary if you have any questions! :) HA! So, place your bets if you would like but I haven't got a clue! :)

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