Tuesday, January 11, 2011

36 weeks

Thats my Sugie waiting with me at the doctor today and yes it is that stinkin hat again. She refused to take it off and wore it the whole time she was there. She loves going with me to my appointments and I really like to take her because she is so much fun. We haven't been in 3 weeks yet when we pulled into parking lot today she was saying, "fish, fish" HA! Anyway, she has the routinue down....look at fish, go to the bathroom, get blood pressure, get weighed, go into room and get on table! HA! She makes everyone at the office laugh and they always tell me how laid back and good she is. I am sure she will throw one good tantrum eventually so they can see her 2 year old ways!

Anyway, everything with me and McKenzie was great. I had my Strep B test which means getting 1/2 naked. I hadn't planned on her checking on me but she sort of talked me into it saying that she wanted to be sure there was a head down there. Anyway, she said we didn't have to but I went ahead. I am 2 cm but McKenzie is still floating up there so she is not engaged. I don't know if I was effaced or not and really could care less! HA! :)

Anyway, here is the latest.

How far along? About 36 weeks

Total weight gain? 10 pounds

Maternity clothes? Mostly although I still wear normal shirts too

Sleep? Interupted by bathroom breaks and pubic bone pain but not too bad considering all the interuptions.

Stretch marks? Hopefully no new ones!

Best moment this week? hearing her heartbeat

Movement? Lots.

Food Cravings? Anything sweet and dr. pepper a couple of days

Labor Signs? Quite a bit of Braxton Hicks contractions which I never really had with Bailey

Button in or out? In

What I miss: not going to the bathroom every 15 seconds.

WHat I am looking forward to: Nursing a new baby

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