Monday, January 24, 2011

Random thoughts

As you can see Sugar Bear is feeling better and have I mentioned that she loves dress up shoes? Actually she loves any and all shoes. She can actually walk pretty well in these "heels" considering they are pretty high and way too big! HA!

I am in 38th week of pregnancy. You know what that means? Lots of questions about when the baby is going to be born and lots of shock when I tell people I have no idea! HA! I wonder at what point in our world that it was expected that babies would come when we tell them to and that asking said questions would actually seem like legit questions? I have really kept my due date under wraps a little more so perhaps less people are asking this time. HA! My kids at school are becoming quite concerned about me and when the baby might come. I have pretty much told them I am working until the 11th so I think they think that is when the baby is coming! :) A few have asked if I would have the baby in class to which I responeded that I was in labor with Bailey for 22 hours and I thought that there would be plenty of time to get out of class. Some 12 year old boy about passed out with that one! HA!

In all seriousness I feel pretty good. I am more tired than I was with Bailey but who wouldn't be when you work full time chasing 12 and 13 year olds and then come home and chase a toddler? I do feel like Mckenzie is settling pretty low into my pelvis which I don't think happened with Bailey until I was in active labor so I will probably have her check me tomorrow just out of curiosity to see if that shooting pain in my cervix is doing me any good or just causing pain! :)

I have friends (maybe family too) that think that this blog if full of a ridiculous amount of information and pictures. HA! I love keeping it up and hope that I will do the same once McKenzie gets here! I guess we shall see. I really can't see doing it less but then again I have never had 2 kids! :)

Anyway, here are some random pics! Sugie loves to get Duke's collar and attempt to put it on him. She tries real hard but hasn't actually gotten it on there. He usually sits and takes his "abuse" Anyway, I caught a few pics. I will close with that randomness! :)

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