Saturday, January 8, 2011

I love weekends! :)

Wouldn't it be great if life could be full of weekends? HA! Anyway, I just thought I would blog some pics from the day. The weather is calling for snow tomorrow! I say BOOOOO but everyone else seems to be excited. I am more of a sunny weather girl so snow and staying inside all day just seems boring and no fun to me! Anyway, this morning after seeing the weather I thought I better get outside today before the "wintery weather" hits. So, I drug Trev out of bed and we headed over to the zoo. Like I said before I bought a membership and so we will be going often. I love the zoo and Sugie loves it too. I promise I will not make a long post everytime we go but I just can't believe how up close and personal we got to the animals today so I can't help but blog about it. (BTW, if I end up making a long post about the zoo everytime get over it. It is probably likely since there will be McKenzie's first trip to the zoo, etc. )
Can we go to the zoo mom? I will wear my hat!
I may have created a monster....Sugie wants to ride the carousel when we get to the zoo and when we leave. Do you think it is a coincidence that they put the carousel at the front of the zoo? Me think not! :) Thanks zoo designers. Now, I know good and well I could tell her no but it warms my soul to see her ride that thing!

Sugie petting the Giraffe

Daddy petting the giraffe

They were having "training time" with the cheetahs

They also have the lions come into this enclosure for "trianing time." I can't wait to see that next. :)

Hello Patrick the Gorilla. HAve you moved from the last time we saw you?

Proud Lion

Mama chimp and her baby eating fruit

Yes, the carousel once again...:)

Thanks for taking me to the zoo again mom!

Do you see what I see? It is one dusty saw dust girl with a hat on. 1) She loves to play in the garage while dad works 2) she loves to put hats on when it is her choice 3) she ends up dusty as all get out when she plays in the garage but I think it is nice and peaceful time for me in the house!

Trev is back to woodworking away. Bailey keeps him company in the garage by bringing in her stuffed animals.

Trev cleaned out one side of the garage for me to park in since it is winter and I HATE the cold so Sugie thinks it is a perfect spot to play!

She has been praticing at her tricyle but really will only push with one foot and not the other on the pedals and then just goes to pushing it with her feet on the ground.

I am not sure Trev had a trike track in mind when he thought of a good man cave but Oh well! Sugie likes it! HA!

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