Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sickness and 37 weeks

Isn't that picture just sad. It is actually the most peaceful she has been. Poor Sugie has been down and out sick and hasn't done much of anything in the last few days. The verdict: the flu. Her fever was actually not up today and she did play some but I am ready for my sweet Sugie to return. She is quite the monster. I know she doesn't feel good but day in and day out of the whining and crying is enough to send you over the edge! HA! Most of it is because she is so tired because the girl can not get any sleep because she is coughing her head off. They should make Nyquil for toddlers. :) I don't know how moms with really sick kids do it. This is probably the sickest Sugie has ever been and only the second time I would really consider her having been real sick and that was a year ago. So, I know I totally should not complain and her being cuddly has been nice but I am ready to play. :)

In other news I had my 37 week appointment and everything is going good. I did not have her check me so who knows if there is progress there. This past weekend I did feel like she had really moved into my pelvis but the last couple of days I feel like she is floating up high again. I will probably have her check me next time. I am Group B Strep postive, which I wasn't with Bailey, so I wasn't real excited about that. It really isn't a big deal but it means getting and IV as soon as I get to the hospital which I would have rather not done. She said it only takes about 20 minutes though and then I can be done with the IV. Anyway, other than that there wasn't much else to add. :)

I am hoping Sugie is back to her normal self soon! I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww the flu?? So sad. I know what you mean about fussing. Hard to deal with even if they are sick. Hope she feels better soon:)