Thursday, January 20, 2011

Turned a corner?

Well that was Sugie this evening with life back in her eyes and playing with her blocks. Yes, she has on the same PJs as a few days ago but they are the ones she kept wanting and who am I to argue with a sick little sugie? She did request some frog PJs before bed though. Man, it has been one strange up and down sickness. It seemed like on Wednesday she was getting better but by bedtime she was burning up again and then was burning up in the middle of the night. She woke up without a fever but was totally lifeless most of the day. After her nap she could still barely keep her eyes open on the couch and I thought, man things are getting worse instead of better. She fell asleep on the couch when I was on the phone and I went over and felt her and she was burning up again! I took her temp and it was back around 104. ARRRGGGHHH...anyway, when she woke up I gave her some advil and then she fell back asleep. Then she woke up and really played for the first time all week. Trev is staying home with her tomorrow while I go back to work so I hope it was our last spike in the fever this evening and this weekend she will be back to her old self! I am so ready for it to be over. The only good thing that has come from it, is that other than the day I went to work I have done nothing but rest myself which I probably needed to do. :) Hope you are all better my Sugie bear!

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