Saturday, January 22, 2011

McKenzie's Room

I finally have McKenzie's Room squared away enough for her arrival. It seems her room has become my place to drop off stuff and I was so ready to get it all out of there and get stuff hung on her wall. I still need some more stuff but this is as good as it gets. I am probably going to have to make or have made whatever else I want because it is hard to find girl baby stuff in the colors that I chose! I love it just the same though! Anyway, I guess McKenzie is free to be born now! HA!

At the door way to her room

Standing inside doorway

My makeshift changing table and plastic "dresser"! HA! Trev has started working on her dresser/changer combo but it will probably not be here before she is born so a friend let me have the changer and I figure I will use the plastic "dresser" for toys or something once the real dresser is complete.

The crib and her name. When we hung her name on the wall I said man that is a really long name, maybe we should change it! Just kidding!

Looking towards the rocker. A friend at work gave me that rocker that she rocked her baby in. ONly her baby is now 16. Anyway, thanks so much Debbie! I never had a rocker with Bailey because her room wasn't big enough at our old house.

I hate hanging things! It makes me crazy! So, this is my "professional"

"Another Baby? I am too old for this"

Daddy did have "help" though. Big sister tested out the crib for its safety while jumping

She made sure the whale tub was good enough for her "baby" bear.

She pretended to put her bear to "night night"

"Night, Night bear"

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