Thursday, December 30, 2010

Zoo Take 3

I woke up this morning and thought me and Sugie needed to get out of the house. I looked at my iphone and it said it was going to be 70 degrees! Yes, in December! Awesome! Anyway, we decided to head out to the zoo. This was the 3rd time that Sugie has been to the zoo and she LOVED it this time and could really communicate with me about the animals more or less. If they were still and not moving she would say they were sleeping or gone nite, nite. HA! :) Then when we would leave their exhibit she would say, "Bye, (insert animal)." It was quite cute. I bought a memebership that will last another year becuase I thought it was worth the money and I figure it will allow us to go more. Of course soon I will have 2 little ones so I guess I will try and manage that! I had a few people tell me that they would never walk around the zoo 8 months pregnant with a toddler today so who knows. I had not seen the African Savannah exhibit so that was my favorite! :)

Sugie was quite impressed with the elephant statues

African Savannah

New Giraffe exhibit. You can get REALLY close to the giraffes

They have a feeding platform and for $5 you can feed them lettuce. We figured we had stimulated the zoo's budget enough today! HA!

Insted we watched others feed the giraffe. I would have got a picture with Sugie next to them but she wouldn't let me put her down. Guess she was a little unsure.

Sugie is sort of in a anti stroller phase and until she gets good and tired she would assume walk on her own. She does pretty good at keeping up. We got to the zoo when it first opened so we had it to almost to ourselves for a good 2 hours so I don't feel to worried about losing her.

Up close and personal with the Gorialla, "He is sleeping"

Up close and personal with the chimp. After a climb up a really big hill she gave up the stroller fight and was tired enough to ride! :)

Since we became Zoo memebers we got some monorail passes with it. I had never ridden the monorail so we went on the "train, train, train!" as Sugie would say.

Monorail view

Sugie checking out the sights on the monorail

When she saw the carousel she made a bee line straight for it saying, "horsey, horsey" So again we got carousel rides with our membership so how can a mom say no? She chose the zebra to ride but still called it a horsey!


We went over to the childrens zoo to see the goats. She called them dogs and was pretty unsure of them at first.
But after a while she petted them very gently. She till called them dogs though. Guess that is what happens when your dog is bigger than a goat!

Of course we also stopped to play!

And to see some GIANT bunnies! HA! :)

I think we might be able to fit in another zoo trip before McKenzie's arrival. :)

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