Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Sugie Bear!

My sweetest, Sugie Bear,

Today is your 2nd Birthday! I can't believe that it has been 2 year since we first met you! Our lives have become more rich every day and me and your daddy love you so much. I always want the actual day of your birthday to be special since it will always follow such a big holiday. Today, we took you to the Gaylord Texan Hotel. THey had this fun snow hill that you got to ride down in tube on and you loved it so much!

Here you are at the top of the hill. I love that you are a dare devil and will tackle most anything and don't seem afraid of to much.

You said, "WEEEE" down the hill almost every time! We bought you the unlimited rides ticket and I am glad because I think you rode the thing 100 times! Seriously!

Sorry about the bad pic but I love that you say, "Cheese" for the camera now!

I love that you can still be quite cuddly. You will crawl up into my lap almost every day just to cuddle. I hope that this never changes and that you will always want to curl up in my lap when you need to feel safe or just because you need some love.

I love that you will tackle the biggest slides at the park.

I love that you are a little fish just like me! I hope we get to spend every summer in the sun!

I love that you have begun to take good care of your babies and I think you are going to be a great big sister!

I love that you still make some of the same faces that you did as a baby. We always call this your cabbage patch kid face!

You are a pretty good sleeper. You decided about 3 weeks ago that you were done with your crib and have been sleeping on your mattress on the floor. We are going to convert your bed to a toddler bed but need some parts and I am almost afraid to mess with a good thing. Anyway, you sleep about 11-12 hours at night and take a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon.
I love that you are happy most anywhere we take you and I am glad that you have got to experince so many things in your short little life!

You can be pretty helpul too. You love to get baby wipes and help me clean! :)
You can go from being stoic and quiet when a lot of attention is on you to being really happy that you are getting all the attention.

You are a really good eater for the most part! You will try almost anything and pretty much eat what me and your daddy do. I love the way you go to the pantry and ask fo a snack!

You are so curious about your world. When we go new places you look all around and take it all in.
Your has grown so much over the last year and you can have quite the bead head in the morning!

You LOVE fruit! I think you could eat fruit non stop! If we go to Chick Fil A you will eat your fruit before the nuggets. As you can see, the bed head strikes again!

You can be quite a monkey and can climb on everything.

You love to not look at the camera when we try to take your picture. You can be quite a mamas girl too.

You make me and your dad laugh everyday!

You love your daddy lots and think that he is the fun playful parent and I am the more comforting, cuddly parent.

You and your dad are always inspecting and learning about things together. Here you 2 are checking out the "trains, trains."

I love you so much my Sugie Bear! You are getting so big, so fast. I am excited about you doing so many things in life and I worry I will be writing about your 16th birthday soon!
Love you lots and lots!

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