Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Party

We had a little Christmas Party at Cora's house and her mom let all the toddlers play with paint again! HA! I have learned that Bailey is not really into arts and crafts. The girl doesn't like to get her hands dirty. If she is eating and gets food on her hands she says, "sdfdsl please" which means I need a napkin please. I type of bunch of gibberish on the first word because I have no idea what she is saying but we are working on napkin. At least she has her manners! HA! Anyway, we had a good time. I didn't take that many pictures because Saturday morning I felt tired and blah. After some good rest though I am feeling better!

Sugie figured out that she could just dip the ornaments into the paint that way she didn't have to get her hands dirty! HA!

Miss Fiona as you can see is really into arts and crafts and is not afraid of getting dirty!

And neither is little Miss cora! (Aiden was here somewhere too but I didn't get any pics of him )

Sugie was more interested in playing with the toys!

Blurry picture but it was the sweetest moment. Cora was laying on the floor throwing a fit (in normal 2 year old fashion) so Fiona went over and was rubbing her belly to comfort her. These 2 are just too cute!

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