Friday, December 10, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home! Harper Guisela, my newest niece, has FINALLY made it home as of yesterday! I almost can't beleive it is true! It was so great to see my sister finally walk through the doors of immigration at the airpor with her! Yipee! It has been such a long battle full of so much emotion. I am so happy that she is here now and can begin to have the life of a family. I really can't imagine never really knowing what it is like to be apart of one much less not really even know what is it is like to have your own house. I get homesick after being away for just a few short days! :) WELCOME home Guisela

Sugie waiting on Cousin Guiselas arrival. She had fun playing with the Dora doll that her cousin Hope brought for Guisela

First out the door...Lots of happy tears!

Balloons, Balloons, Balloons!

I think Guisela likes balloons!

She loves to smell hair and so is having a few sniffs of big sister Hanna's hair

Sugie asking for the Balloons. It was actually sort of comical to see Guisela and Sugie interact. Guisela will be 6 come January but my sister figures that much of her language and mental development is that of about a 2 or 3 year old. So, of course sharing does not come natural for that age so her and Sugie where having a little discussion here about whos balloons those were exactly! HA! They also had to have a little spat over the ottaman back at the house. I am sure with 2 sisters Guisela will learn all about sharing soon....hopefully Sugie will too!

1 comment:

Mommy's Journeys said...

Thank you, Silster, for greeting us at the airport! Such a special day!