Wednesday, December 22, 2010

33 weeks

I had my 33 week checkup for baby McKenzie yesterday and everything is going good. Sugie went with me and was a hoot as usual. She lifts up her shirt for her belly to be measured and to listen to "her baby". It is too cute. I need Trev to go with me to an appointment so he can get a picture of it. :) Anyway, I will not go back for another 3 weeks in which I will be 36 weeks! Holy Cow! How did that happen! I will have my strep B test then and she said she would check me if I want since I will already be half naked but I will opt out because there is no point. Despite popular belief your cervix being dilated when you are not in labor means nothing (Well unless you have had problems with your cervix being dilated way to early in the past) You can walk around at 5 cm for weeks or walk around at 0 and give birth on the same day no matter what. Oops...sorry for the little rant. I probably won't have her check me until like 39 weeks if even then:) Here is the info. :)

How far along? 33 1/2 weeks

Total weight gain? 8 pounds

Maternity clothes? Mostly although I still wear normal shirts too

Sleep? Great except my pubic bone has been back to hurting and the other night Bailey woke up trying to see the lunar eclipse! HA!

Stretch marks? Hopefully no new ones! :)

Best moment this week? Getting all the little tiny baby clothes washed

Movement? Lots.

Food Cravings? Nothing really strange lately. Just the usual...Mexican!

Labor Signs? Quite a bit of Braxton Hicks contractions which I never really had with Bailey

Button in or out? In

What I miss: I cant really think of anything.

WHat I am looking forward to: Finishing up her room

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