Monday, August 31, 2009

Menu Monday

I am happy to report that we followed our menu last week except for Friday. We weren't in the mood for tacos so we had hamburgers and then had Tacos on Sunday night. So, we didn't waste in food! Yipee! Anyway, here is the menu for the week.

Monday: Chili dogs, chips, pasta salad
Tuesday: Rotisserie Chicken, rice, broccoli
Wednesday: Popcorn Shrip, Red Potatos, Salad
Thursday: Chicken quesadilla (using leftover rotisserie chicken)
Friday: Sloppy Joes, pasta salad, chips, any other left over sides from the week.

Hope yall have a great week! What's for dinner?


Anonymous said...

I think I may need to use your menu! I am bad about wasting some food for sure! Or maybe I should just come over for dinner....that sounds easier! Ha ha. Enjoy!

Karen said...

I agree with Tanna... we should just come over for dinner at your house. I think you should host a dinner party every night of the week. :)