Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mommy Brain Farts

So I was reading over on Robin's Blog this morning and she was talking about mommy moments that she has had since becoming a new mom. It reminded me that I have been meaning to tell yall about something that I have done over and over and over since becoming a mom. You would think I would learn. I like to call it my brain farts but I think Robin phrased it better by calling them mommy moments.

Anyway, I wear nursing tank tops so that if I have to nurse in public I am not showing the whole world my belly because I am pretty sure no one wants to see my stretch marks or fat! HA! Its sort of funny that I don't really care if people see my boobs but my belly...ARRGGHHH!! Anyway, there have been MANY occassions where I have fed Bailey in the car and then walked into the store with my shirt still up above my boobs. Now, nothing is showing because of the tank top and that is why you don't even realize you are looking like a fool but I am pretty sure I must look like a nut walking through the store with my shirt hiked up! Anyway, just thought I would share this funny so that I can remember it and to give you a good laugh! :)


Angie said...

That is hilarious!! It would be really funny if you do this at school, though.

Erica said...

OMG. I do the same thing, but haven't told on myself yet. Glad to know it isn't just me! :)

Julie Brooks said...

That is so hilarious! I needed a good laugh!!!