Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Wow! It is hard to believe that 8 months ago my beautiful littly sugar bear came into this world! It seems like yesterday and yet seems like I have had her forever all in the same. Bailey is still the happiest baby almost all the time. She very rarely just crys unless she has hurt herself. If she needs something she pleasantly fusses or that is what her daddy says! This is what you are up to these days my bear

1) You weigh about 20 lbs, wear a size 3 diaper and 12 month clothes which are all dresses! :)

2) You nurse about 4 to 5 times a day and eat solids about 3 times.

3) You seem to really like food now especially while at sitters while away from mom. You seem to eat anything I give you now and I am making your food.
4) You take a couple naps of day and sleep best at home in your own bed

5) You go to bed at 7 and get up between 6 and 7. Your first weekend since mom returned to work you went to bed at 8 and slept until 7:30..probably because of better naps...can we have that weekend routinue all the time?

6) You talk more and more each day. You have said Dada and bye bye with motions. You also make a lot of other sounds including mama but havent said it to me as a name.

7) You love to play with these cups that stack on each other and has a little ball. You have a serious concentration face when you are trying to do something8) You are not crawling yet but are really working on it.

9) You like to get over to the tile and bang on it

10) You can get from one side of the room to the other by rolling and scooting. You do this funny scoot thing on your side like this...

11) and will work very hard to get to a pair of shoes!

11) You do not have any teeth yet and haven't shown signs of teething

12) You make some of the funniest faces that make me laugh hard and when I laugh you will laugh too. I think you might me a class clown

13) Bath time is one of your favorite things. You would stay in the tub for hours if we let you even when the water turns cold and you are pruney.

You are growing so fast my sweet little bear. Mommy and daddy love you more each day!


April said...

Yeah for growing babies! She's precious. One of these days we'll actually meet. Hopefully before our little ones are 2! :)

Melody said...


You are growing too fast! Slow down!!

Can't wait to hear you talk :)

Auntie Mel