Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pear Sauce and Sippy Cups

So, now that I am making baby food I have the following question. Why do we only have Applesauce and not other fruit sauces? I mean when I make Bailey's fruit it is "sauce" yet you only go to the store and buy applesauce. What makes it become applesauce when you puree the apples and add some water. I suppose applesauce came about buy adding sugar and stuff but now we have "natural" applesauce without all of that stuff. Anyway, I have come to find out that pear "sauce" is actually really good. In fact I think it might be better than applesauce. Now don't be fouled by the "cooking" part of pear sauce. All you do is wait for the pears to be pretty ripe. Put in the blender and you have pear sauce. I didn't even add water. Anyway, Bailey seems to like the pear sauce as well. Also it seems to help keep the bowels moving too. :) Here is Bailey enjoying some pears...I mean pear sauce.

I have been working with Bailey on using her sippy cup. She is sort of getting the hang of it she just doesnt quite get that she needs to tilt her head back more to get something out. She does get lucky from time to time and gets a drink. Its just water. I don't plan on giving her juice until she is quite a bit older. :) Here are some pics of her sippy cup practice.

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