Monday, August 24, 2009

Menu Monday and confessions

So, I have been horrible about making decent meals for sometime. I hate lists and so I would go to the store and get fixings for things but without really having meals in mind. Trev told me that we ate like bachelors this weekend and I though...ya we do! We used to have more planned meals but somewhere along the way it got lost and I hate to admit it but we wasted a lot of food simply because I didn't have it planned and it went to waste. I have seen other people list their menus for a week, month, even one blog where they had it for the year! Craziness! I decided I would shoot for a workweek because we usuually eat out on the weekend or cook burgers or something. Anyway, here is our menu for the week. I am not going to list recipes at this point but if there is something you are interested in let me know and I can post recipe.

Monday - Tator Tot Beef Casserole, Broccoli
Tuesday - BBQ Chicken on the grill, corn on the cob, salad
WEdnesday - Left over Tator Tot Casserole, salad
Thursday - Stofferes garlic chicken skillet, walnut salad
Friday - Tacos, mexican rice

So "What's for dinner?"


Mommy's Journeys said...

We're having BBQ chicken tomorrow too!
I think as Americans we are very wasteful with food. I guess being here in Guatemala has helped us to see that. I don't make as large of a portion here and so we typically finish everything, not having any leftovers or very little leftovers. It seems that we then have "clean out the refrigerator" night and everyone ends up eating something different, simply to take care of the leftovers. So, kudos to you and the menu planning. I think it's great!

Erica said...

Way to go! I've been working off of a calendar for a few months, and I've seen such a difference! It takes the guess work out of the night. We're having what's on the arguments! Let me know how it works for ya.

catinbody said...

This is what I do, too, but I just pick out four or five meals with no plan for what night we'll eat them, and then always keep a couple fast frozen meals on hand for those nights when I just don't have it all together. It's the only way I can be sure we can eat--I can't just play it by ear, I have to have some sort of plan. Otherwise, I'll come home with $100 worth of groceries on Saturday and on Monday won't be able to come up with anything to eat.