Monday, August 3, 2009

Workin' and Pumpin'

So, in a few weeks I will return to work and my friend the breast pump will be tagging along. I am writing this just to think out loud and also because I hope that it will encourage other people to keep breastfeeding even if they have to be seperated from your baby.

I knew that I would breastfeed Bailey from before I even knew I was pregnant and I knew I would continue to do so even after I returned to work. To me it is a no brainer but I know for some it is a little harder decision. When I returned to work many people acted like I was some kind of martyr for continuing to breastfeed my baby and pump at work. I got many comments like, "I think it is so great that you have continued to do that." Which is nice and I will take it becuase hey it is better than the alternative.

It is nice that I am not a shy person either. If people ask me why I am late to lunch I tell them, if I need to be late to a meeting on my conference period I tell them. Why should I be ashamed that I have to go and pump so that my baby can eat? I mean ya it came out of some sexual part of you but really when a baby is nursing it isnt sexual. I also just openly clean my breastpump parts in the teachers lounge. Its the only place that has hot water and hey would someone care if I was cleaning my babies bottles there? No! So, I just go about my business. Most people don't ask or say things like, "I remember those days". Teaching you don't work with a lot of men and the few who saw what I was doing I think learned a long time ago not to ask to many questions when a women is doing something they don't know anything about. The funniest part is I have these microsteam bags that you pop in the microwave to sterlize the parts and people always think that I am cooking popcorn and so I did have one guy ask me why I was rinsing out my popcorn bag. I told him what I was doing and I don't think he will ever ask me any questions anymore.

I find that people who have never pumped are curious about the whole process. A friend of mine was making these horrible sounds that she thought the pump would make. I was like oh my that sounds like a machine that would milk a cow! Its not quite that loud. So, I called her on the phone while I was pumping so she could here the sounds of the pump. After she hung up another friend who was sitting next to her called because she wanted to here what it sounded like. I think I might send out an email for demos in Rom 204 this next school year. I guess it does make you wonder if you have never seen it.

Another funny about this processs is that when searching for a pump I chose the one that comes in a backpack. I thought it would be easier since I knew I would be lugging a baby and a bunch of other crap. I was right it is easier and I would still chose it. However, the pump comes in a small backpack that sort of resembles a kids backpack. So, I walk into school each day with that thing on my back like I am ready for kindergarten. :)

Well I am done rambling about this. If you are thinking of returning to work and continuing to breastfeed just give pumping a shot. If you put a little thought into the idea it isn't as time consuming or hard as one might think. I have got the process down to a a quick one that requires minimal time! :) Anyway, happy pumping....

1 comment:

April said...

Good post! You do have the hands free device, right? Or 2 rubberbands will do the trick. I consider myself somewhat of a pumping expert. I've even pumped while cruising down the road, of course I wasn't driving. I have read about mom who hook up the pump for their daily commute!