Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blurb your Blog

No I didn't mean burp your blog I really said blurb your blog! HA! Anyway, one of my last summer projects was to print of 1 year of our blog. I started using scrapbook blogger at first but it did not have very many options and I did not like the limitations it was setting on me. Then thanks to Erica she led me to! Holy cow I didn't know if to thank her or strangler her because this website was awesome but it has so many options that I was like WOW! He He! Just kidding. I am very happy with how my book turned out. You go to the website and download their software and then it "slurps" your blog info into a book form. From there the options are endless. You can make your own formats, choose backgrounds, have many posts on one page, a few posts on one page, lots of pics on one page, lots of writing on one page, a small book, a large book, a hard cover book, and the list goes on and on! Now when you first slurp your blog do not be alarmed because when I first slurped mine it was over 300 pages long but it had some pages where it had only put one picture or one post. So, you have to do a bit of editing. I chose one background for my book to keep it easy and kept some of the layouts that it had after the slurp so I didn't spend too long...maybe the next book!

So, how much does it cost to print your blog for an entire year? Well I guess that depends on how much you blog! He! HE! For me I chose the 12x12 hardcover book that ended up with 110 pages and it was about $90. Now that might sound like a lot but it included 137 posts, over 400 pictures, and lots of great memories!

Anyway, just thought I would pass on the knowledge. Here are some pictures of the book. The pictures are sortof blah because I took them in the office but you get the idea! Check it out! IT ROCKS!

Front Cover

Back cover

sample pages


Andi said...

Hey Janet! Remember me? It's Andi Scott (Duff) from forever ago high school...and I found your blog...and I love it! AND you just made my day with the "blurb your blog" I have been trying to figure our how to get mine printed just gave it up. YOU have now solved that problem for THANKS! AND your family is just too precious:) Glad to see all is well...I'll be checking back often!

Erica said...

Hey, please do not strangle me! I was merely the messenger. Plus, you could've just been a moron like me and not even paid attention that there were other options (so my book is 450 pages of the same layout).


Melody said...


I've gotta to do this!!!!

Can't wait to see it in person!

Hi Bear from your biggest fans!


catinbody said...

Oh, my gosh! This is great. I totally need to do this--if only I could actually blog! Argh!!