Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So I was watching Oprah last week and they had a show about motherhood and had true confessions made by mother's that I found quite hilarious. Anyway, I was talking to my friend Catharine about the episode yesterday and I thought I would make my own little list of the things I have learned being a mom for a very short 6 months!

1) When you first start breastfeeding you need like 5 arms AT LEAST!!! God should give you an extra set as soon as you push a baby out. The people who helped me in picture below are hiding for the picture!

2) Husbands are the most helpful the first 2 weeks the baby is home. Enjoy it while it lasts!

3) The bond with your baby is unbelivable or it was for me. I would not even let her out of my sights at the hospital. I wouldn't even let them take her to the nursery. Well they did a couple of times but I went down and watched in the window!

4) Breastfeeding is the best thing in the world. There really is nothing better especially if you can get through the intial learning pains! :) I wish I had a picture of this other than when she was first born so I will put it on my list of things to do. I don't need 5 arms anymore by the way. I almost don't need any! :)

5) Changing sheets on a crib is like trying to put on your jeans on from high school. SERIOUSLY why is it so freaking hard!

6) I always new baby poop was strange. I have changed many a diaper in my day, but until you have had to clean it out of an outfit, carseat, yourself and the car you don't truely understand it.

7) I can also smell the poop from #6 a mile a way. For now it smells like cake batter. Now you don't think I am sick enough to have a picture of poop do you?

8) You may weigh the same as you did before you were pregnant but your body will not be the same. I will spare you any pics of this

9) Somedays you think your baby is the best thing in the world and other days you might watch the clock for it to strike 5:45 (or whatever time husband gets home) so that you can have a break.

10) Birth is incredible in many ways. It bothers me when people talk about it being gross or horrible. I have never thought that. I watched Bailey pop out of me and I would highly suggest others do the same. You will need a mirror by the way! Of course I have watched birthing videos for many years. It is fascinating to me! Lucky for you that no one was ready with a camera after 41 weeks 5 days in the womb, 22 hours in labor, and 3 hours of pushing to get a picture of Bailey popping out. Lucky for you bad for me! :(
Well I will leave the list at 10 for today. :) Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this!!!! SO true girl, all of it. The crib sheet changing drives me NUTS!!!

I thought childbirth was hard, but not gross. And the moment she came out....it was so amazing. I cant wait to do it again, best thing ever!!!

Thanks for posting this, awesome! I am going to copy it down!