Friday, July 31, 2009

31 weeks

What would probably be more entertaining than these pics is a video of me trying to take them. The girl is absolutely crazy over that monkey! As soon as I sit her down and start trying to sit him down this is what it looks like....

Then as soon as I sit him down it is joy all around!

I tricked her on this picture and layed the monkey down and then layed her on her side facing the other way and then called her name until she turned over.

Of course that lasted all of 10 seconds and then she found him and the fun began once again!


Mommy's Journeys said...

Ah yes! The love of the monkey/mono! There's just something about that creature that brings so much joy. Bear looks so big and so grown up. I can't believe it's been over 7 months! Where did the time go?

Williams Family said...

love it!