Wednesday, July 1, 2009

6 month checkup

Bear had her 6 month checkup and is as healthy as can be! She weighed in at 18 pounds and 1/2 an ounce which is the 90th percentile and was 26 1/2 inches long which is the 75th percentile. So, she is still growing like a weed. I was actually suprised she was that heavy. I thought she was closer to 17 pounds. No wonder my back hurts! :) She was silly on her shots today. For the first one she just sortof made this concerned face and then on the second one she belted out the scream that I was expecting. Poor baby! She is meeting all normal milestones and looks great according to Dr. Smart!


April Bacon said...

Yeah for healthy babies! We really do need to get together. This weekend will be a year since we saw y'all.

Williams Family said...

love the chubness!!