Sunday, July 26, 2009

7 months!

My sweet Bailey Bear you are 7 months old! You had a very long day and did so great after traveling for over 12 hours. Here is what you are up to these days

-I guess you weigh between 18 and 19 pounds
-You wear a size 3 diaper
-You sleep through the night about 99% of the time.
-You still take a couple of short naps in the morning and a long nap in the afternoon and go to bed around 8
-You babble a lot now but the most when you are at home and not around strangers
-You also really belly laugh now but again more when you are at home than with strangers
-You love your jumparoo and will spend almost an hour in that thing jumping away
-You love to be outside and I love to hold you and sit with you on the porch in the evenings
-You do not have any teeth and do not show any signs of getting any soon
-You are a wonderful traveler and have now been to 6 states
-You nurse about 5 times a day and these are some of my favorite times with you especially in the morning and before bed
-You are not real crazy about real food but you do humor me and eat cereal, bananas, applesauce, green beans, and sweet potatoes and other things off of mommy's plate. A few bites and you are done though
-You love to go to the park and swing. you let out the biggest smiles and giggles
-You have not shown an interest in crawling just yet

Bailey Sugar Bear you are the sweetest most beautiful baby in the world. You change each day and are growing so fast. Me and your daddy love you so much! :) Happy 7 month b-day!

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