Thursday, July 30, 2009


So I am sitting here this afternoon avoiding housework as usual and reading blogs. Today I seem to have stumbled on a lot of blogs about really sick babies. I seriously don't know how people do it. I don't even like to see Bailey cry when she is frustrated at her toys so I can't imagine hearing your baby cry because they are seriously sick. I know Bailey will be sick some day (hopefully not seriously) but I don't look forward to it. So for today I go in and look at this sweet little baby happily sleeping away in her crib as healthy as can be and I feel truely BLESSED! :)


April said...

I second that and I've been on both sides!! Stellan had me in tears on Monday. After Andrew's ordeal I get so emotional about sick babies. Here's to happy and healthy kids!!

Williams Family said...

diddo!! your heart breaks and mine haven't been seriously sick or hurt. it is good to be reminded so thank you!