Saturday, July 25, 2009

Colorado - Saturday

We woke up to a beautiful day in Buena Vista. Bailey started her day with leg exercises with her Papa Rick. Do you think they are helping her chunko thighs? :)

After we got all of our exercises out of the way we headed to St. Elmo which is a little ghost town from the late 1800s. Can you believe that this town had 2000 people in the late 1800s? Anyway, we really went to take the kids to feed the chimpmunks like we did last year. Last year I was pregnant with Bailey and did not yet know that she was a girl. I was glad to have her there with me this year outside of the womb. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery, walking around and feeding the chimpmunks

Trev and his chimpmunk

Me and Bailey feeding the Chimpmunks

Sweetest face!

Snorty face!

Bailey enjoyed riding around in her sling

Daddy and bear

Williams Cousins Lane holding Bailey and Cade holding Jude
In the afternoon Trev and I drove up to Rainbow Lake. It is so beautiful and we enjoyed walking around even though it was raining a bit

After rainbow lake we found a nice Rock further up in the mountains to hang out on and enjoy the nice moutain air. Bailey enjoyed sitting on ther rock too! We then went down by the river and watched a few kayakers go by.

I haven't made a blog post about this yet but we learned early this summer that Bailey loves to swing! We take her many times a week but I have forgot the camera every time. Finally I had a camera to capture the moment!

We wrapped up our day by hanging out by the campfire and watching the boys play horse shoes. Me and Laura did out best to keep our little babies warm. :)

1 comment:

April said...

so is someone hiding behind the rock, ready to catch her? I love all of her crinkled nose faces. Too cute!