Monday, May 25, 2009

My Memorial Day

So, I am here at work. Craziness I know since as school teachers we are usually not at school when ever one else is at work. As you can see since I am typing on this blog it is a real productive day at school. I have threatened piles of worksheets if they can't behave and not drive me nuts. Otherwise, I have placed an assignment in front of them and I am tolerating a moderate amount of talking. I figure why fight the fight right? Anyway, I have made an interesting observation about the kids who are here today. Some of the "good" kids are here because their parents don't think they should miss a day of school just because especially if they didn't have plans. However, the majority of kids that are here are the ones that drive you nuts. They are the kids who are never absent because frankly their parents don't want them at home either! "Johnny the school bus is here get on it!" He he! I know it is mean but any school teacher can attest that this is true. Anyway, I hope that everyone is having a wonderful memorial day. The bear is home with Dad so I am sure they are having their little party without me. :(

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