Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bailey's First Camping Trip

Bailey had her first camping trip this weekend. Yes, we took Bailey camping and no we are not crazy. When I told people that we were taking Bailey camping and staying in a tent I got a lot of strange looks and a lot of disbelief that we would take a baby camping! Of course I got a lot of strange looks when I went camping 7 months pregnant too. Anyway, I have been camping since I was in diapers so I figure the earlier you start the better. Bailey loved every minute of it. Mostly because it involved being outside and being held constantly by someone...both of which she loves! :) She just sat there taking in everything. We ended up with nice camping weather because it was not to hot and we only had a brief 10 minute rain. Anyway, I enjoyed camping so much with Bailey bear and look forward to many more trips.

Trev and Mace playing ladder ball

Trev and Duke the #1 camping dog

Bailey chillin in her stroller

Laughing at Parker

Playing with Parker

Laughing with Cousin Kels

Chillin' with Cousin Kelsey

Home Sweet Home

Campfire Cookin' boy

Davey and Trev on Jet Ski
Daddy and the bear

Relaxin' with Kylie

Lisa and Bailey

Bailey's "lawn chair"

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