Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5 months old!

Wow oh wow my Bailey girl! You are 5 months old! I love you so much and you are so beautiful. Me and your daddy just can't get enough of you and we love to hold and cuddle you. I go in to check on you at night before I go to bed and I just sit there and look at how beautiful you are and how much I love you! Anyway, here is what you are up to these days at 5 months.

1) You love to be held. I am hoping that you will always be cuddley

2) You can put the death grab on everything including mommy's hair.

3) You really smile and laugh and interact with those around you..

4) You are always happy on the changing table and really let out some good laughs now
5) You are very distracted while nursing especially if Duke or daddy are in the room. If daddy is in the room you think it is all about playtime

6) Some of your 6-9 month clothes are getting tight and I switched you to size 3 diapers this weekend

7) I am guessing you weigh between 16 and 17 pounds
8) You eat the bare minimum at the sitters and are making for it with me in the evenings and the night

9) You love to be outside

10) You chew on everything you get in your mouth. You havne't put your feet in your mouth yet though.

11) You don't have any teeth and don't really show any signs of teething

12) You very rarely cry unless you are sleepy

13) You are sitting pretty good now but still need a little help. I think you will definelty sit on your own in the next few weeks

14) You love bath time.

15) I love snuggling with you in the morning before I go to work. It is the best time in the world.

We love you so much Bailey bear. I am so excited about the summer. I am looking forward to teaching you to sit, eat food, crawl, and take you on vacation. In fact on your 1/2 birthday we will be in Florida on your first beach vacation!


Melody said...

oh my!!! Looking so cute and so big sitting up my bear!!!

Can't wait til FLORIDA!!! :)

Karen said...

Wow, she is sitting up really well in the boppy. I need to try that with Blakely. Blakely is always trying to sit up in her bath/car seat... She is just sorta wobbly on her own.

April Bacon said...

Yeah for milestones! She's such a cutie. I wish #4 was true for Andrew. He hates the changing table. He hates to have his clothes changed. He acts like you're murdering him. Starts holding his breath and thrashing around. Other than that they have many similarities. Do you still have her in the infant seat or has she graduated? We moved Andrew to the convertible seat at 5 months.