Monday, March 15, 2010

Fun at the Arboretum

Sugie and I enjoy a beautiful day at the Dallas Arboretum with our Friends Daysha and Kai. We got there around 10:30 and didn't leave until 3:45! Wow! We walked and walked. The kids played and played. Then we walked and walked some more while the kids napped in the strollers and me and Daysha chatted without having to chase toddlers! :) We had a great time. Thanks for inviting us Daysha and Kai
There were lots of beautiful blooms!
I try to get pictures of Sugie these days with her face but frankly I can't keep up with the kid! She is constantly on the move and heaven forbid I make her look at me or stand still for a second!
Green grass with no weeds? Mama we aren't at home anymore.On the move!
For any longhorn fans!
There was a petting zoo but I think Bailey just thought they were caged up Dukes! :) Ha! Kai enjoyed them and I just missed getting a really good picture of him but you can still see his smile! We enjoyed a picnic and Kai and Sugie were of course on the move. They don't really play together yet but did manage to find a pile of soil that has flowers that haven't bloomed yet. We tried to keep them out the best we could but there may be some blooms that don't come up this year! :) Near where we had lunch was an old set up of a house. Sugie found the cabinets in there too!Kai found an old wash tub. We put Sugie in there too but she was tired and was about done for at that point! So, I told Daysha we better start heading out so that Sugie could crash before she went into melt down. I told her that I had never seen Bailey fall asleep in the stroller and that I didn't think she would! Ha! Famous last words! This was actually after I leaned her back. She was slumped over with her head on the plastic tray. Poor baby I think I wore her out!

Kai (isn't he just too cute) followed suite and napped too.
Bailey had a short nap and woke up happier and was ready to play some more. She will NOT keep hats on for more than too seconds but I did manage to snap this pic. I told her that she needed to think her daddy for her fair, white skin! HA! Anyway, we had a great time and can't wait to do it again!


Daysha said...

Kai and I had a GREAT time. I'm so glad y'all went with us!!

Michelle said...

My girls have the same dress! Sweet! I wish they could all be together to wear them.