Sunday, March 21, 2010

Camp Dave-O aka Poppy's campsite

We were suppose to go camping this weekend but just like last year the weekend turned out to be cold, rainey, and even snowy! Yucko! It was still a beautiful spring day on Friday so Sugie and I went out to enjoy the beautiful weather at Camp Dave-O or aka Mimi and Poppy's campsite! We had a great day and Sugie had fun playing outside with her cousins!

Mimi and Poppy aka head of Camp Dave-O
Sugie's favorite chair. She climbed up and down a million times. She even flipped off backwards and somehow didn't land on her head but actually on her butt. She didn't cry just sort of looked like "what in the world just happened" and then went back to playing!

Chillin' getting ready for a hike!

Playin' with Mimi

Me and Sugie off for a hike that turned out to be too muddy! ARRGGHHHH...rain rain go away!

Smiley Sugie

We did quite a bit of chillin'

Running and playing and laughing

Her chair and her cheese stick

Thanks for having me out to your campsite Poppy. I hope for better weather next time so I can stay the night!

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