Sunday, March 28, 2010

15 Months

Bailey Sugar Bear you turned 15 months on Friday! Wow! It is so hard for mommy and daddy to beleive. Some days I look at you and I can't believe my eyes. You are so happy most of the time and if you aren't its because you are tired and need a nap or to go to bed. Here is what else you are up to these days.

1) You wear a size 4 diaper, 18 month clothes with a few 2T shirts and I figure you weigh about 24 pounds
2) You have really developed a little personlity. You do things and then start laughing at yourself and check to see if we are laughing too
3) I think you are going to be an engineer like your daddy. You concentrate really hard at figuring things out. You love to get a water bottle and screw the little top on and off. You crack me up!
4) You have this little dog that plays music that I got you for Valentine's day and it is one of the first things you get out of the toy box in the morning or when we get home. You get him with your other favorite toy, your ice cream truck, put him on it turn on the music and then knock him off and crack yourself up doing it.
5) I really miss you a lot during the day when you are at the sitters house but you seem to have fun there. When I pick you up you sometimes cry when we have to leave because I am making you leave the toy you are playing with.
6) You have started to throw some pretty big fits when you don't get your way these days. I just love on you and tell you that you can't have it and distract you and you soon forget about it. If you don't I know that you need to take a nap.
7) You are so cute with all your walking around everywhere. You still walk with your arms bent and out like you need them for balance
8) You love to play outside and will do so for hours
9) You do this cute little growl sound when you first see us or just to be funny
10) I can't really tell you what your favorite things to eat are because it changes from day to day. One day you will feed yourself a ton of chicken and another day you act like it is too much effort to chew and would assume eat baby food. One day you will eat my whole sandwich and the next day you will throw it on the floor. One day you will eat enough spaghetti for a 3 year old and the next day you look at me like I am crazy for feeding you that! You really don't like sweet stuf and I think prefer salty junk food like chips and fries. However, you almost never refuse yogurt.
11) You still nurse about 3 times a day. The most in the morning and in the afternoon.
12) You hate milk and refuse to drink it and actually refuse to drink anything but water.
13) You love your books. You like to look through them and do this cute little thing were you turn the pages and act like your reading by making this "ba ba ba ba" sounds. You like to be read to as well and enjoy it more when you are tired.

Your daddy and I love you so much. It is really hard to describe how full our heart are with love for you. You make me smile everyday and I can't imagine life without you. Love you my sugar bear. Here are some pictures of us today at the park. It was really cold and you went down the slide for the first time. You aren't to sure about that yet. You mostly liked to walk around and check things out. The last picture is of you coming up loving on me giving me a hug. Too sweet!

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