Monday, March 1, 2010

14 months and beautiful weather!

Bailey turned 14 months on Friday and I am just now getting around to blogging because we were all sick this last week! I really thought I had a good immune system from being a teacher but I guess being a mom brings it to a whole new level. Anyway, the weather here this weekend was beautiful. Bailey was feeling better but Trev and I were still pretty wiped out so we didn't get to take her on a hike or anything but she love to play outside. Which really means walk up and down the porch and sidewalk. HA! She has just about figured out how to take the one little step off the porch without a wipeout and also discovered that the flower pots are quite fun to play in and even eat the soil. :) She may grow a few inches in the next week from the miracle grow! Just kidding! Anyway, this is what my bear is up to at 14 months.

1) Weight between 23 -24 pounds, wear 18 month clothes, and a size 4 dipe
2) Still don't say a lot of words but really talk quite a bit. You point at everything now and say something that sounds like "this" We are trying to figure out what that is about!
3) You absolutely hate cows milk and are quite offended that anyone would feed you something so gross. I have been mixing a little in with mama's milk. Marjorie says you don't really care for that either and will only take a few sips.
4) You may hate milk but you love YOGURT and go through several pints of it in a week! It is your favorite thing in the world
5) You are still nursing in the morning, afternoon and evening. I am not sure you get a lot of milk anymore but we both enjoy it.
6) You hold your arms up real high when you want us to pick you up.
7) You can get quite angry at your toys especially when you are tired. The other day near naptime you got your ice cream stuck and you just kept ramming it into the wall. That was mommy's clue it was naptime! :)
8) You laugh and smile so big!
9) You love to play with your daddy. He flys you around the house and "bombs" you onto the bed and couch. You laugh and love every minute of it even if mommy thinks you two get a little to rough.
10) You are walking all over and do very litte crawling now.
11) you are the most sweet bear any parents could every have! We love you sugar bear!

1 comment:

Mommy's Journeys said...

The 3rd picture from the bottom is probably one of my all time FAVORITES! Too cute that Sugar Bear!