Saturday, April 9, 2011

Splash Park and Hiking

Things are heating up here in Texas! The splash park is open. I thought Sugie would "dive" right in where she left off last year but she was timid at first. Although, I sort of wonder if it was because the water was FREEZING! Anyway, she warmed up after a while but my camera battery was dead by then! :(
Sugie watering the water
We went hiking with some friends again this morning. It is a nice way to start the weekend. It is quite interesting hiking with 2 toddlers. We do let them do their own hiking and try to schedule their escapes out of the backpacks at the same time! HA! Here is Bailey before we loaded her up for more backpack time.
Sister bear stayed awake for about 5 minutes and then ZONK she was out like a light.
Sugie was cracking me up at the end of the hike. She was hitting every think Trever would walk by with a stick and laughing hysterically! She only hit Trever once or twice! :)
Daddy with Sugie and her stick!

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