Monday, April 4, 2011

2 months

Holy cow, sister bear, you are 2 months old today! The last 2 months have gone by so fast and I have watched you grow and change so much. Me, your dad, and your sister love you so much. This is what you are up to these days. 1) You wear a size 1 diaper, 0/3 months and 3/6 months clothes. Onesies must be 3/6 because you have a long torso. 2) You are still not on a set schedule but do eat every 2-3 hours during the day and usually go 5 or 6 hours when you first go to sleep for the night. THe last couple of days you have been sleeping a lot so I think you may have grown a few inches! HA! You have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I will have the official stats of your height and weight. 3) You enjoy tummy time for about 5 mintues and then you fuss and let me know you are done with that.
4) You make really good faces all the time that just make me laugh espcially when I talk a lot to you and say, "McKenzieeee" in a really high pitched voice.
5) I really think you want to be a thumb sucker. If you get your hand up to your mouth you will suck away on it. You will take mr. suckey but many times just spit it out. Maybe you will be a thumb sucker?
6) You really like your swing and swaddle blankets. THey relax you when you are fussy.
7) You take all of your naps during the day in the swing and like to be in the swing in your swaddle blanket.
8) I have to work really hard to get them but you do give good smiles. :)

9) Your sister loves you very much and loves to play in your toys with you. She would hold you a million times a day if I let her. I think yall are going to have fun playing together.
10) Sometimes I get you to smile so big that it almost looks like you are laughing! :)

11) You still like to ride around in the sling or another carrier that mommy has when we are out and about. If you are awake you like to cruise around in the stroller too.

12) At night you sleep in the bassinet next to mommy. You make some funny noises in your sleep that we call your "monster noises"

13) I love that your thighs are starting to get chunky!

WE love you so much sister bear! Can't wait to see what your little personality is going to be like! :)

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