Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Breast Milk Baby - What's the big deal?

I first saw this doll last week posted on someones Facebook page. Everyone that responded to that persons post thought it was "creepy" I thought it was great and "liked" it right away. I really didn't think much of making a big deal out of it. However, it is weird to me that now everytime I turn on the TV or radio I hear controversy over this doll and frankly it got me to wondering, What's the big deal?

Now, I am not sure I would buy the doll because it is expensive. However, people are spending $100+ on dolls all the time. I think if Bailey (or Mckenzie) really wanted it I would probably buy it. When I responded to the Facebook post I mentioned I said I would not buy it because I thought it cost too much. I didn't think a girl needed a special doll to nurse because kids easily breastfeed most of their toys that have a face if that is what they see mom doing. Then a light bulb went off that MOST kids do not see their mom breatfeed because either mom does it a short amount of time or never at all. When I have nursed my babies in public the most curious people are little girls. They have never seen a woman breastfeed. They think babies are fed with bottles. Well babies can be fed with bottles but naturally we were meant to breastfeed hence that whole classification as a mammal. Now, I love breastfeeding and it has come rather natural for me and I realize that others don't have it so easy. However, statistics show that by months most moms are no longer nursing. I think part of our breastfeeding problems in our society is that moms don't have the support or the know how. How would anyone know how to breastfeed when you have never seen anyone do it before you?

People against this doll say some things that just make me sort of chuckle.

One person said that it was making little girls be sexual. Sexual? Feeding your baby with your breast is not sexual. Period.

Another person said that it would put to much pressure on our little girls to feel like they must breastfeed there babies. What? So now we shouldn't give our kids all the options in life. I am sure they will have a million babies with bottles. Shouldn't we at least teach them that this is a way they could feed there baby if they chose to?

Someone else said that they think it is a creepy because a little girl does not have breasts and can't technically breastfeed. Well thats just silly. It is a pretend doll. Just like boys have pretend shot guns but are probably not strong enough to shoot a real one.

So, I really don't see what the big deal is. If you don't want the doll for your child. Then don't buy it. The doll has done great in other countries so it just goes to show that America still look at feeding your baby as sexual and gross. Now that my friends is creepy and weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What would be creepy is if it was the other way around and there was a mother doll that kids could pretend they are breast feeding from.