Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bad Parenting...TV monster

So I have decided to go ahead and start my bad parenting now and I have to admit that Bailey likes to watch TV. It is a sad state of affairs to set your 3 month old in front of the TV but hey she likes it and it helps me get things done like making myself breakfast. I promise I don't set her in front of it all day and I think it it is more the lights and sounds that she likes because it doesn't matter what is on. Here she is watching Good Morning America and taking in today's news.


Melody said...

I'm guilty of this...:)

On the bright side...Bailey will be very informed about current events!

P.S. Kelsey says HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Legacy Portraits said...

Have you invested in the Einstein Videos yet? My husband has always called it "Baby Crack" because the kids loved them and were completely hooked on it!